Room 28 Projects

Room 28 Projects. At a glance.

Room 28 Projects - the name stands for a multimedia, international remembrance, culture and education project. It is a project by the author Hannelore Brenner (-Wonschick). The name is a registered trade mark. Since 2004, the book The Girls of Room 28  (first edition Droemer Verlag 2004), the international exhibition of the same name (September 2004) and a theatre play have been telling the story of these Jewish girls, whose paths met in Room 28 of the L 410 girls' home in the Theresienstadt ghetto and then diverged again. Most of the children were murdered in Auschwitz-Birkenau. - Edition Room 28 is the publishing arm of Room 28 Projects. 

The original and for some years only website was that of Room 28 Projects With the founding of the Room 28 e.V. association in 2007, the association's website was created: With the founding of Edition Room 28 in 2014, the website of Edition Room 28 was created. And there is anopther webbsite, that of  our Room 28 Educational Project:

“Stones of memory”. The idea behind the Room 28 Projects.

Room 28 Projects are rooted in the desire of the survivors of Room 28 to create a lasting memory and to tell the story of these girls in the Theresienstadt ghetto to younger and future generations. It is a Jewish-German Holocaust remembrance project that I realized in alliance with the survivors of Room 28. They accompanied the exhibition for many years and turned our project into a lively and special commemorative project. It is "a unique Holocaust remembrance project on the threshold of a future in which there will be no contemporary witnesses," says historian and historical tour guide Gabriel Fawcett, who translated the exhibition into English and brought it to London. He got to know the survivors of Room 28 and was particularly connected to Anna Hanusová.

The Book, the Exhibtion and the Play The Girls of Room 28 are Stones of Remembrance - as Helga Pollak-Kinsky liked to  call the various elements of our project which also includes her precious diary.

Basic elements of Room 28 Projects

Book │Exhibition │Music-Play │ Theresienstadt Diary │

Room 28 Projects - Brazil

Room 28 Projects - Brasil and with it the Brazilian exhibition As Meninas do Quarto 28 were created in 2014 in São Paulo, Brazil. The exhibition was created on the initiative of Karen Zolko and in memory of one of the girls of Room 28, Erika Stransky, half-sister of Karen Zolko's mother Monika Zolko, née Stransky. The Brazilian exhibition is a story in itself.  More in the Englis Compendium and on this website. 

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