For Bookseller: Publisher number: 5245445

Editor of the Edition Room 28: Hannelore Brenner-Wonschick, Berlin

The girls from room 28. Childhood biographies in a historical context

Who will make it?

A Module (booklet) - element of the Room 28 educational project - is in progress: The childhood biographies of the “Girls from Room 28” in their historical context. The module focuses on the period 1918-1942, in particular the years 1938/1939 . Unlike in the Compendia for the educational project , which serve to present the entire educational project and contain exemplary teaching materials, contributions to the educational value and further information, this booklet is a first module dedicated to a single topic: the time before "The Girls from Room 28" were deported to the Theresienstadt ghetto became.

One is illuminated Chapters of German-Czech, European history, that stands in the shadow of German historiography,has almost disappeared in the maelstrom of historical developments, and has still not found a place in the curricula today. A lot has become known about the Theresienstadt concentration camp in recent decades, not least through numerous performances of the children's opera Brundibar . Young people learn about the fate of the children of Theresienstadt, about the unique cultural work in this concentration camp and thus also about the Nazi era and the Holocaust. But what do they learn about the history? What do you learn about our neighboring country? What about the destruction of the First Czechoslovak Republic by Hitler and the Nazi regime?

The year 1938

I thank the Foreign Office, which supports this publication. Given the current situation, I have published central chapters of the resulting module on the website Room 28 Education published. With that in mind The children's opera Brundibár was created in 1938 I also put this extract here for download available. They help to understand why I consider the children's opera Brundibár a parable about the political events of the time see. It is very important to me to bring the events of 1938 described in this module into public discourse. - If you are interested in the text, topic and that Room 28 educational project I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

To download. Pages from Module 1
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