Compendium Czech

For Bookseller: Publisher number: 5245445

Editor of the Edition Room 28: Hannelore Brenner-Wonschick, Berlin

Compendium 2020 (Czech)

Key-literature to the  Educational Project

Czech Edition
Terezin. The girls from room 28
Compendium 2020. Educational project Room 28
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This publication was funded by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to whom we thank for their support.

Written by: Hannelore Brenner
Translation: Ivana Husáková
Language editor: Ema C. Stašová
Graphic design: Walter Hagenow • Communication Design
Cover design:
Renate Schlicht and Walter Hagenow Wiesbaden/Germany
Preword to the Compendium 2020

This compendium forms an introduction to Room 28 Projects (Room 28 Projects) and the Room 28 Educational Project. Its purpose is to familiarize schools, teachers, students, universities, individuals and organizations that are active in the cultural field and are dedicated to the Holocaust, as well as interested parties from the general public, with the book and with the exhibition Girls from Room 28 and associated projects that followed them. Presenting related documents and materials, it informs about the origins, motivation, hopes and goals of the Jewish-German project, which began modestly in 1996 but gradually developed with amazing vitality and achieved great impact.

The centerpiece of the entire project is the exhibition Girls from room 28 of building L410 in Terezín. From 2004, a small event of local importance became an international exhibition that visited Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria, Brussels (European Commission), Geneva (UN), Cardiff (Welsh State Opera) and finally Brazil, where it was presented in a new version and for the great interest of the media and the public. After exhibitions in São Paulo (Museum of Sculpture MuBE), Brasília (National Museum), Porto Alegre (Museum Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul) and Rio de Janeiro (State History Museum), the exhibition traveled under the Portuguese name As Meninas do Quarto 28 (Girls from room 28) to Recife Janete Costa Gallery).

One of the main goals of this multimedia project is to create a permanent home for the exhibition, associate with it a collection of accompanying material as an integral part of it, and thus keep the legacy of the "Girls from Room 28" alive, passing on their experiences, values and hopes to today's young people and others generations.

This intention is supported by the non-profit association Room 28, which was founded in Berlin in 2007. The preamble of the statutes states: "The association considers itself a circle of friends of the 'Girls from Room 28'." The task of the association is to anchor their legacy in today's world, to give it a voice, shape and one day a permanent home, so that it is accessible to all and can serve a better future."

In order to improve the Room 28 Educational Project, we have established an advisory committee. In February 2017, a small group of members and friends of Pokoje 28 met in Berlin to create a basis for further work on this project and to discuss the strategy and ways to achieve the chosen goal.

I hope that this publication will interest you and that thanks to it we will find new friends, partners and enthusiasts who will be willing to cooperate and help us realize our dream: to create a lasting and strong memory of "Girls from Room 28".

Hannelore Brenner, December 2019

Translation/Editing: Ivana Husáková
Language editor: Ema C. Stásová
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